Provides antibiotics for an HIV positive mom and her baby to prevent infections such as pneumonia and meningitis.
Supports a community health worker for a month as she visits at risk mothers and newborns.
Provides an on-site hands-on certification course in neonatal resuscitation taught by local nurses.
Delivers life-saving post-rape medical care to 100 women in Congo.
Ensures that babies are cared for by a skilled newborn nurse by providing an annual salary and support her continuing education.
Fully equips one of our existing clinics to become a center of excellence for newborn care.
We have trained more than 5,000 healthcare and community workers in 140 clinics and hospitals in 18 countries.
More than 90,000 mothers and babies have received medicine to prevent HIV infection.
A full-time Congolese doctor has the salary support and training to provide follow-up care to over 700 HIV affected children in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
We have tested over 100,000 pregnant women for HIV.
Important HIV education was provided to more than 18,000 young people.
Victims of gender-based violence are being cared for in Eastern Congo and over 2,000 post exposure prophylaxis kits were delivered to protect women and girls from unwanted pregnancy, HIV and other STDs.