Congolese boy smiling

Advocacy & Outreach

Inequity and injustice motivate us to advocate for change by amplifying the voices and needs of those we serve. Our work places us in a unique position—witness to the day-to-day struggles of people in the poorest parts of the world, yet also able to reach the highest levels of global policy to advocate for change.

What do we want to see change? We want every survivor of gender-based violence to have access to medications to prevent HIV. We want neonatal care to be part of primary care. We want pediatric HIV to not be ignored. We want to see simple and scalable technologies reach those ready to use them.

Inequity and injustice motivate us to advocate for change by amplifying the voices and needs of those we serve. Our work places us in a unique position—witness to the day-to-day struggles of people in the poorest parts of the world, yet also able to reach the highest levels of global policy to advocate for change.

What do we want to see change? We want every survivor of gender-based violence to have access to medications to prevent HIV. We want neonatal care to be part of primary care. We want pediatric HIV to not be ignored. We want to see simple and scalable technologies reach those ready to use them.

With Global Strategies, we are helping children in Goma who are malnourished. They come to the hospital and we help them recuperate. We have helped thousands of children recover their health.
Joel Kamavu, Nutritionist at HEAL Africa

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