Congolese boy smiling

Education & Training

Africa as a region bears more than 24% of the global burden of disease but has access to only 3% of the world’s health workers and less than 1% of the world’s financial resources.

We address this critical shortage of healthcare workers by investing in a sustainable training model for frontline workers. Education is a component of every Global Strategies project. As we provide services to meet immediate healthcare needs, we invest in the education of local healthcare providers to achieve sustainable improvements in health for the community. We work alongside field partners to identify critical needs and develop innovative methods to address them.

Global Strategies education activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Scholarships
  • Supporting attendance at research conferences and continuing education training
  • Annual training of frontline healthcare workers
  • A suite of educational materials including interactive case-based curriculum and video learning

Africa as a region bears more than 24% of the global burden of disease but has access to only 3% of the world’s health workers and less than 1% of the world’s financial resources.

We address this critical shortage of healthcare workers by investing in a sustainable training model for frontline workers. Education is a component of every Global Strategies project. As we provide services to meet immediate healthcare needs, we invest in the education of local healthcare providers to achieve sustainable improvements in health for the community. We work alongside field partners to identify critical needs and develop innovative methods to address them.

Global Strategies education activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Scholarships
  • Supporting attendance at research conferences and continuing education training
  • Annual training of frontline healthcare workers
  • A suite of educational materials including interactive case-based curriculum and video learning
We are at HEAL Africa for a three-month neonatal training, provided by Global Strategies. With this training, we are able to take better care of neonatal infants in our hospitals.
Loranzo Vaculavati, Urgent Care and Maternity Nurse at Amilima General Hospital

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