Education & Training



Education & Training


Global Strategies Volunteers

Global Strategies builds longitudinal educational relationships with local organizations and healthcare providers in the countries where we work. Global Strategies Volunteers develop these relationships through

  • Shoulder-to-shoulder clinical training
  • Professional mentorship for community leaders
  • Introduction of novel technologies developed by Global Strategies for low-resource settings

Eligibility: Eligible Volunteers are neonatal nurses, pediatric in-patient nurses, labor and delivery nurses, nurse midwives, board certified pediatricians, family practitioners and OB/GYNs. Pediatric care providers should be comfortable with neonatal care.

How to Apply

Interested applicants are requested to provide a CV, brief personal statement and a list of two references with contact information. Applications and queries can be directed to with the subject line “Volunteer Application.” After you have submitted your documentation, individuals with skills and experience that we feel match the needs of our projects will be invited to attend an interview. Following a successful interview and application process, applicants are then invited to join our pool.

Volunteers will be required to complete a pre-service training program which includes courses in relevant aspects of maternal and child health, standard operating procedures for Volunteers and use of technology in the field setting. Briefings are provided before departure for a field assignment and followed by further briefings upon arrival.

GSFV Portal

The Global Strategies Field Volunteer portal (login required) provides online access to training materials, safety procedures and essential information.

Other Projects in

Education & Training

HEAL Africa is the third hospital in the DRC that has prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission services and it is very important to have this partnership with Global Strategies. It is really very valuable for us.
William Bonane, public health doctor at HEAL Africa

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