Prevention Pack Program Featured In Financial Times

May 18, 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Jean Armas
  • Sabrina Smith
Prevention Packs currently distributed in 48 clinics throughout DRC (photo: Jean Armas)

Global Strategies has partnered with Panzi Foundation to deliver life-saving medicines to survivors of gender-based violence aided by Logistimo, an inventory management technology.

Our experience using Logistimo was featured in a joint commission report from the Lancet and Financial Times on the Future of AI and Digital Healthcare. Read the article here: “AI set to transform healthcare in world’s poorer regions.”

“Our vision to provide post-rape care to every woman who needs it meant never running out of medicine,” says Program Director Jean Armas, “Using Logistimo to track which clinics receive survivors and how many survivors receive treatment every single day, we know how to distribute these critical medicines and time field visits.  Caring for women in these settings means caring about inventory.”

Vira Wasukundi is tracking inventory to make sure clinics remain stocked (photo: Jean Armas)

Global Strategies is a proud partner of Panzi Hospital, working together to make sure all survivors of gender-based violence are guaranteed timely treatment and care, regardless of where they live. Learn more here about the program and its impact.

Vira Wasukundi, Darius Kulondwa, and Dr. Sylvie Mwambali Nabintu in front of Panzi Hospital (photo: Jean Armas)

Compared with years past, our preterm birth rates have dropped and there is a decrease of mortality in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome.
Manene NAKASHINGA Agnes, Senior Neonatal ICU Nurse at Panzi General Hospital

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