Letter from Dr. Ammann

March 1, 2013
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Dr. Arthur Ammann

March 18, 2013

Dear Friend,

We are exceedingly grateful for your support over the years. With your help we have provided life-changing healthcare to over 100,000 women and children in the most neglected areas of the world and touched countless others through our education initiatives. I am now excited to announce the next chapter in our mission – the opportunity to serve even more children and women as Global Strategies for HIV Prevention merges with the International Pediatric Outreach Project (IPOP).

To help women and children has always been our true focus; formally teaming up with IPOP, is a landmark event in this incredible journey. Global Strategies for HIV Prevention’s experience has proven that by working hand-in-hand with communities we can impact the lives of women and children even in the most remote, impoverished and isolated parts of the world. IPOP has a proven model of working directly with healthcare providers in the very same settings, creating longitudinal and meaningful relationships that lead to lasting change. By drawing on our strengths, combining resources and coming together as Global Strategies, our new name, we will empower communities in the most neglected areas of the world to improve the health of women and children.

The merge is timely. Many large international funding organizations are also recognizing that the international response to the health of women and children has been inadequate and that there is a need to not only combine resources, but to create synergistic and innovative partnerships. “The world must come together to save women’s and children’s lives,” said Bill Gates, in his work through his foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “In poor countries, pregnancy and childbirth often end in tragedy. Our goal must be to build a world where every birth brings joy and hope for the future.”

With our combined boards offering expertise and oversight and our new President, Dr. Joshua Bress, providing vision and day-to-day leadership, I am more excited than I ever have been before about what we can all do together to change lives. I have a lot of work to do in my new role as Founder. I am looking forward to spending more time on raising support for and being the voice for women and children in countries carrying the heaviest burden of disease.

Together, we will continue to create lasting change by providing healthcare to the women and children who need it the most. Your support will become even more vital as our programs and impact expands in years to come. Thank you for your continued support.

With gratitude to each of you,

Arthur J. Ammann, MD
Founder - Global Strategies for HIV Prevention

They (Global Strategies) invest in the future of Congo. They help Congo to have people who will care for its future.
Dr. Justin Paluka, CEO HEAL Africa

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