NoviGuide Study to Begin in Uganda

February 1, 2017
Tororo, Uganda
  • Dr. Joshua Bress
  • Jean Armas

Global Strategies is excited to announce that our neonatal software, the NoviGuide, will be studied in Tororo Uganda as part of the University of California San Francisco’s Preterm Birth Initiative.  Principal Investigator Dr. Mary Muhindo will lead the research study.  The study will take place at Tororo District Hospital where 15 midwives deliver nearly 350 babies per month. 

“The research tells us that we can save millions of babies’ lives if nurses follow care protocols.  But if it was that simple nurses would already be doing it,” explains Global Strategies President Dr. Joshua Bress, “These nurses are among some of the busiest people you will meet.  We asked ourselves, how do we make it easier for very busy nurses to follow complex guidelines while also continuing to provide care to their patients?  Our answer is to automate the math required to care for a sick baby.  Everything a sick baby needs must be calculated.  Every dose is based on the baby’s weight, but also on other variables, such as the disease being treated or the vial sizes of medications in the pharmacy.  We think by automating the calculations a nurse has to do, we can incentivize the use of a software program that guides the nurses through the guidelines.  That’s the idea behind the NoviGuide—make it easier to deliver better care.”

We are excited to be part of this global effort to help premature babies.

In our work with the PEP project, we can care for victims of sexual violence by bringing the aid directly to them, saving time and getting care delivered faster.
Dr. Sylvie Mwabagne, Physician with the Panzi Foundation

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