Fall Newsletter 2013

September 1, 2013
  • Dr. Arthur Ammann
  • Author

We are hard at work to improve the lives of women and children living in the most neglected areas of the world. Today we are pleased to report that our work is being recognized on an international level. This recognition is more than a feather in our cap--it is central to our mission to demonstrate that progress is possible even in the most challenging environments. We hope you enjoy reading about how your support is having a global impact.



17th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa 2013 Logo

Global Strategies is pleased to announce that our work providing medical care to victims of gender-based violence in the eastern Congo was selected for an oral presentation at the ICASA conference in South Africa. This is the largest HIV/AIDS conference on the continent. Dr. Givano Kashemwa, Global Strategies DRC Program Manager, will give the presentation that will be featured as an example of innovation in delivering HIV prevention care. The title of the presentation is:

Cloud-Based Inventory Management Systems are Essential for Delivering Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to Rape Victims in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

If you want to hear more about this work, please email us at info@globalstrategies.org.

A Thousand Hills To Heaven - Book Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1st Edition edition


As you may know, Global Strategies President Dr. Joshua Bress lived in the eastern Congo working on our projects. He has spent more time in this region than almost any other American pediatrician. Now work from his time in the Congo is being documented in an upcoming book by author Josh Ruxin that will be out in November. "Josh Ruxin has been a good friend to Global Strategies," says Global Strategies Founder Dr. Arthur Ammann,"and his memoir documenting his experiences in Rwanda promises to be thought-provoking. Some of the challenges we faced together required more than one Josh."

The book is called A Thousand Hills to Heaven: Love, Hope and a Restaurant in Rwanda. Please help make it a bestseller by pre-ordering today at https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Hills-Heaven-Restaurant-Rwanda/dp/0316232912

If you decide to pre-order, drop us a line at info@globalstrategies.org so we can keep you informed when the book comes out.

Our partnership with Global Strategies helps us provide our patients impressive care and close follow-up that’s supported by scientific evidence.
Dr. Denis Mukwege, Panzi Foundation

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