Prevention & Care

HIV Prevention and Care


Prevention & Care

HIV Prevention and Care

We believe no mother or child is beyond the reach of high quality HIV/AIDS care. The same medications that treat an HIV infected mother dramatically reduce the chance that the virus is transmitted to her baby. Our goal is to prevent HIV, but we do not turn away from children born with the virus. Instead, a center of excellence for the care of children with HIV in the eastern Congo is the cornerstone of our approach.

We identify pregnant women infected with the HIV virus and start them on life-saving medication that also dramatically reduces the likelihood that the virus is passed to the newborn. We do this in areas of the world where HIV care is desperately needed. We provide voluntary HIV testing and counseling to thousands of women every year spread out over some of the most remote areas of the world. Our goal is to keep HIV infected pregnant women healthy and do everything we can to prevent the transmission of the virus to the newborn. 

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Prevention & Care

The drug we use, Truvada, really helped us. In the past, we used other medication but now we see Truvada’s success with reduced dosages and little or no side effects. We can truly attest to its innovation in care for sexual violence victims.
Mrs. Vira Esperance, Principal Team Member of PEP project, Panzi Foundation

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